Intel Image Processing Library Demos
This page describes three demos for the Image Processing Library:
Image Editing, Image Processing Operations, and an Adobe* Photoshop* plug-in.
To download and install the library executables and demos, go to the
and Install page.
Demo 1: Image Editing
This demo is a simple Windows*-based image-editing application. Operating
on a Windows Device-Independent Bitmap (DIB), the demo allows you to observe
how you can do the following editing on an image or rectangular region of interest:
stretch the contrast, rotate, set, threshold, zoom, blur, erode, dilate, filter,
mirror, and more.
For more details about using the Image Editing demo, you can access
the help file from the Image Processing Library Demo window.
Demo 2: Image Processing Operations
This demo is a console-based application that demonstrates
the operation of each Image Processing Library function
on test images. These demos are a good way to get a feel for the
behavior and intended use of the Image Processing Library functions.
The Intel Image Processing Library reference manual describes each of
the demonstrated functions in detail. The manual is available with the installation
packages. We have also provided the source code of the second demo as a further
reference for using the library.
Demo 3: Adobe* Photoshop* Plug-in
This demo presents an Image Processing Library plug-in module for Adobe Photoshop. The demo implements filters
that use the Image Processing Library routines median, sharpen, blur, and edge detection.
To run the demo, you need an installed Adobe Photoshop, version 3.0 or higher, the DLLs on the
path, and the Photoshop plug-in files (extension .8bf) placed in the Photoshop Plug-ins
Installing and Running the Image Processing Library Demos
To run the Image Processing Library demos, you must first
download and run either the ipl.exe file, which contains the entire release
including both demos; or the ipldemo.exe file, which includes just the demos.
See the Download and Install page for instructions
on getting those files.
Instructions on using the demos are provided in the readme.txt files
included with the installation packages.